Video: Getting Started: Payroll

Step-By-Step: Payroll Setup

The main function of the payroll feature is to automatically calculate overtime, double time (overtime2) based on your officer configuration settings and to allow data to be exported to external payroll systems.

In the main menu, under Setup - > Account, there is an item labeled Payroll Settings.  This allows you to set up payroll defaults and configure the export.

  1. Pay Periods:
    You can optionally define pay periods. Based on a given start date (indicated by the “First day of the first pay period this month” value), we automatically calculate date ranges to be used when viewing or exporting data.

  2. Work Week Delineator:
    Defines the work week (day of week and time). This will be defaulted to Sunday at midnight.

  3. Default Overtime Configuration:

    1. Overtime Paid Weekly:
      In this section, you can set the number of hours an officer has to work weekly in order to reach overtime.

      40 would be placed in this field if you want your officer to be paid overtime based off being clocked in 40+ hours in a given week.

    2. Overtime Paid Daily:
      If you pay daily overtime you will want to set this option to the number of hours an officer has to work on a specific day in order to be paid overtime for that day.

      would be placed in this field if you want your officer to be paid overtime based on working 8+ hours in a single day.

    3. Overtime2 Paid Daily:
      Can be thought of as “Double Time”. We decided to use Overtime2 because the hourly payment amount does not necessarily have to be double the regular hourly rate. “Overtime2” is more generic and is the term used in some payroll systems we reviewed for integration.

      10 would be place in this field if you want your officer to be paid a different rate for any hours worked after they have reached 10+ hours in a single day. If the “Overtime Paid Daily” is set to 8 as in the example above, they would receive the “Overtime Paid Daily’ rate until they reach the “Overtime2 Paid Daily” rate. At that point any hours over 10 would be paid at the “Overtime2 Paid Daily” rate.

    4. Apply 7th Consecutive Day Overtime Rule:
      A rule that has to be applied in some states and for some employees. The rule indicates that if an employee works 7 days in a row within a work week, the officer is paid overtime for all hours worked on the 7th day. The work week must be defined (see Work Week Delineator above). We decided to make this option configurable. The option is only enabled if “Overtime Paid Daily” is enabled.

    5. Informational Links:
      1. Rule info:

      2. California Specific: and

    6. The overtime configuration values are defaulted at the admin level but can be overridden at the officer level.

  4. Time Clock Rounding – Apply 7 Minute Rounding to Shift Start and End Time

    This option allows you to apply the 7 Minute rounding rule to the Shift Start and End Time.

    You allow your officers to clock in 2 minutes early. They clock in at 8:58AM, the 7-minute rounding rule automatically adjusts the clock in time to 9:00AM. If your officer clocks in at 8:52 however the 7-minute rounding rule would automatically adjust the clock in time to 8:45. The same logic applies to clocking out.

    In a scenario where your officers are clocking in and out too early or late we suggest using our smart features.

  5. Default Time Zone:

    In calculating payroll (overtime, overtime2, etc.), the Time Zone that will be used to calculate hours for an officer is required. This is the default and it can be overridden at the officer level.

    The Overtime and Time Zone defaults are only applied to newly created Officers. To overwrite the settings for all current officers, use the check boxes on the right side of the screen.

    Note: When you access this screen for the first time, you will likely want to check the box to apply the overtime settings to all existing officers.

Payroll System Export tab:

Payroll export configuration.  You have the option to select what system you use and provide any necessary data. 

We currently support:

  • ADP PayForce
  • ADP WorkForce (ADP RUN)
  • Payce
  • Paychex Core
  • PayChoice




Fields for the officer record:

  1. Time Zone: The Time Zone that the employee lives in and hours will be calculated based upon. Technically, an officer can perform work at two separate sites that have different time zones. This can happen if the officer lives close to a time zone border. Storing a time zone for the officer lets us know what time zone to use in the calculations.

  2. Payroll Employee Number: All payroll systems require an “Employee ID” or “Employee Number” that must match when importing data.

  3. Overtime Configuration: (same as above)

  4. Hourly Pay Rates: May be used when exporting to the external payroll system.  Some systems store the pay rates within the system itself.  Others allow hourly pay rates to be imported.  If these values are entered, they will be exported to payroll systems that support it.


Step-By-Step: Exporting Payroll

  1. You will select or enter a date range and select the officers to include.

  2. The hours (regular, overtime, overtime2, and total) will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

  3. The Details button will display a pop up showing the hours broken down by day.

  4. If the payroll export feature has been configured, a button will be available to export the data.

  5. The Excel Download button will download an Excel spreadsheet with a tab for the Hour Summary data and a separate tab for each Officer with the details