OfficerReports's scheduling software offers you an easy way to integrate security officer scheduling with your other OfficerReports modules.  Follow the steps listed below to get started.

Video: How to Get Started

Step-By-Step: How to Get Started

  1. Log into and click Time and Attendance -> Schedule.
  2. Choose the time that the shift should start on the calendar and double-click.

    Note: See the screenshot above.

    The display time zone is based on your computers local timezone, in my case, Eastern Time. When you enter your Site into the system it automatically grabs the timezone the Site is in. In the example above the address for the Site, I'm scheduling for is located in the Central Timezone. You will need to base your time and dates based on the local Site time and not your local time.

  3. Fill out:
    Shift Title: The name you want to give for this shift.
    Start: The time that the shift starts (making sure to use the timezone displayed)
    End: The time that the shift ends (making sure to use the timezone displayed)
    Repeat: Never, Daily, Weekly (Best for fixed posts), Monthly. Choosing repeat will give you additional options.
    Description: Allows you to give the shift a brief description and is optional.
    Site: Automatically selected for you
    Officers Required: Number of Officers Required for this shift.
    Officers: Click this box and select the Officer(s) for this shift.

  4. Choose the Site that the schedule applies to.
  5. Choose the officer(s) that will work the shift.

    ***Note: If you create a shift and leave it open this shift will display as red on the schedule showing a denoting an open shift.***

  6. Click Save and your schedule is saved.

Show open shifts only

Checking this box will only show shifts that do not have the required number of officers assigned.

Example: The number of required officers for a shift has been set to 2 but only 1 officer was selected from the officer dropdown box:


Viewing the Schedule

Your officers and supervisors can view their schedules in 2 ways.

  1. They can log in to the OfficerReports App from their mobile device and tap View Schedule.
  2. They can log onto and choose Enter Main Site.  After they enter their login credentials they will be able to choose to view their schedules.

Supervisors will be able to see the schedule not just for themselves but for all Sites they are a supervisor at.