In order to ensure that your clients are receiving incident reports when you're officers submit them, add your clients as users for their sites.  Each user that is setup will receive both incident reports and maintenance reports when they are submitted by your officers.  To add them as users follow these steps:


  1. Log into
  2. Click Setup -> Sites.
  3. Choose the Options button next to the site that you would like the client to receive the emailed incident reports for.
  4. In the Site Options window click the Users option.
  5. Click the +Add User button in the upper left hand corner.
  6. In the Add User window add the user's email address.  If you have not already done so you will also need to enter the client's First Name, Last Name, User Name, and Password
  7. Click Submit

Once you have completed this process, you can give the User Name and Password to your customer and they can view their reports at their leisure.