Our Check In/Out Log (Site Access -> Check In/Out Logs) within OfficerReports is designed to allow you and your clients to see items or people that are checked in and then checked out. The Check In/Out Log can be used for a variety of things, such as Checking In employees at a Site when they arrive, then Checking them Out when they leave for the day. The Scan Check-In & Scan Check-Out portions of our app uses our QR Codes that are generated within OfficerReports.net. You can find more information on how to create Check In/Out Codes, here.

Report Filters

  • Client - Client associated with the Site you want to filter by.
  • Site - Site you want to filter by (Requires a Client to be selected).
  • Name - Name of the Check In / Out Code that you want to filter by (Requires a Site to be selected).
  • In Date From - Date/Time you want to search the In Date data from.
  • In Date To - Date/Time you want to search the In Date data to.

Report Columns

  • Client - Client the code is associated with. 
  • Site - Site the code is associated with.
  • In Date - Date/Time that the code was scanned in.
  • Out Date - Date/Time that the code was scanned out (can be blank if no scan out occurred before the next scan In).
  • Name/Code - Name that was given to the code under Setup -> Sites -> Options -> Check In/Out Codes.
  • Scanned In By - Officer that scanned the code in.
  • Scanned Out By - Officer that scanned the code out.