• Last Site Scan - The last time a tour stop was scanned for that site. For example, in the picture above scan #1 was done at 1:02pm while scan number 2 was done at 12:58pm. So scan #1 was done 4 minutes after scan #2, hence the Last Site Scan of 4.


  • Last Stop Scan - The last time a specific tour stop was scanned. For example, scan #2 "Lu1 Boiler Room" was scanned at 12:58pm. The Last Stop Scan for that scan is 45 minutes. If you look at scan #8, you can see that the "Lu1 Boiler Room" was previously scanned at 12:13pm, which is 45 minutes earlier than scan #2. Hence the Last Stop Scan for scan #2 is 45.


  • Accuracy - How accurate the GPS position reading is as reported by the device. For example, in scan #3 the accuracy of this scan says 32ft. That means that the location that the device reported as seen on the map view, was done within 32ft of the actual place that the tour stop is located and scanned. This degree of accuracy is reflected in real life when the GPS in your car says turn here, but the actual turn is still 30ft away. Please keep in mind that accuracy is a number that is given to our software by the device and some devices will be better than others. Accuracy can also be influenced by environmental conditions, as well as whether or not the device is located indoors vs outdoors.

  • Distance (ft) - The distance from the center of the Site to the marker on the map (in feet). So, if the geofence is a circle, the distance is from the center of that circle to the marker on the map.


  • Synced - If the mobile device was not able to connect to the internet to upload the scan, then the scan is stored on the device until the device can connect with the internet.  Once it connects to the internet the tour stop scan is "Synced".  The GPS reading for the Synced tour stop scans may not be available.